Play Time
Act III Double Reality, Shanghai Power Station of Art
Act II Gentle Material Recovery, Shenzhen
Act II What If the Sunlight is Also A Stage Set, Xiamen
Play Time
Act III Double Reality, Shanghai Power Station of Art
Act II Gentle Material Recovery, Shenzhen
Act II What If the Sunlight is Also A Stage Set, Xiamen
Act IIIDouble Reality
Power Station of Art, Shanghai
* “桌面剧场”艺术家名单持续更新中。
Artists:Yang Jian, Wang YuxuanTheater on Table:Chen Yifei, He Kunlin, Happy Bird, Sun Dasi, Xi Zi, Yang Yang, Yang Zimin, Zi Jie, Zhu Xiang,Zhou Pengan
* The Artists list of "Theater on Table" is constantly being updated.
于是,案-桌面成为了一种策略,主动性的位移,用时间换空间,在空白处创造某种游击与待伏的情境——它将是“影的告别”与方形矗立的2座巨大碑塔,那无处不在的“幽灵幻影”③一起,召唤虚构的力量:塔关于空间,案关于时间——而墙与影虚构着一块被反复擦-写的白板(tabula rasa)。
“厦门肉食公司”小说里那个没有肚脐却在酒池肉林的现实里游荡的屠夫——一个从现实残影的虚构中走出来的形象,有着其角色的谱系——即每个相异的个体跟整个世界之间,曾经存在的统一性出现了断裂:桃花源记的渔人、莱蒙托夫《当代英雄》的多余的人、鲁迅的过客、卡夫卡《城堡》的K、加缪的局外人、约瑟夫·海勒《第二十二条军规》的尤索林、《飞向太空》的凯尔文、梅尔维尔的抄写员巴特比.....它们从乌有之处,纷沓将各自的世界寄出,但现实的收信者遗失了,信件只能被长久的收容到那个叫名叫死信局(Dead Letter)或某个404的地方,如同一宗悬案。回忆和遗忘在此同时发生:一个由物流、档案、小说、志怪、传奇、山水、戏曲、电台、游戏、绘本、流言、八卦构成的关于自身另一个世界的解剖台。
I.K and S: Fragments and Sequels
In 1922, Kafka announced that he had stopped writing The Castle. K, the land surveyor, was submerged in the ever-expanding shadow of the nearby but unreachable castle, and an unbelievable journey opened up to the world.
In 1922, Lu Xun recalled the first half of his life in the preface of his collection Call to Arms. Before he wrote, "In S Hostel there were three rooms..." he added an empty line to separate the world and the free soul.
The two fragments or sequels from a century ago seem to share a certain fear of “A path without a purpose and a purpose without a path." Kafka passed away shortly afterward in 1924. The manuscript, The Castle, should have been burned but it survived, along with the deleted words and the descriptions from others, leaving countless people in the unfinished endgame. Lu Xun cried out for a reset, both for himself and for his time: "I sometimes call out to encourage those fighters who are galloping on in loneliness, so that they do not lose heart." And a few years later, in the poetic drama "The Passer-by" from Wild Grass, a loner followed a never-ending path where the resister will again move alone toward the hopeless destination, the grave.
II.Double Reality: Piece Together and Back to Life
Two monuments constructed in the open spaces or squares of the exhibition hall will dismantle shortly. The material was obtained from the scraps of architectural ruins and standard boards from factory production lines.
The first tower is an installation work, Composite Leviathan (2018) from Yang Jian. It is a massive monster, constructed from discarded scaffolding and lead sheets. Next to it is a set of scattered paintings depicting mutilated bodies, forming the organs and flesh inside the monster's hollow shell.
The other is a blue monument made of color plates and tubes. Its top is a tin house wrapped in a shell, and its base is like a half-demolished or rebuilt illegal building. Walking into the tower, a sacred orange surrounded by videos. Wang Yuxuan's performance video Resurrection (2021) captures the remaining peels of the orange after the flesh has long been consumed. They are carefully re-pierced and sewn together with a needle, restoring them into a complete den with numerous cracks.
Other than these towers in the square, there is a theater on table. The year 2022 is coming to its end, but it should not be treated as a mere number from the past. Exceptions will become the ghostly constants that continue to accompany, disrupt, and encroach on the field of practice, but this also reinforces the need for more exploratory action. Maybe, what we should put forward a clear problem firstly, i.e. how to find the universal principle behind reality, as well as the indexes when the proposal was created by individual and local differences.
Therefore, the special project of " Theater on Table" will invite over ten artists and actors (Xi Que, Sun Dasi, Yi Fei, Xi Zi, ZI Jie, Zi Min...) to send their proposals by post. These proposals will then be revealed in the exhibition one by one. It is an archiving-presentation program of marking, organizing, recording, reminding, and constructing the reality that will become a new structure of using that triggers new changes and action space.
Theater on Table has become a strategy of shifting the initiative, exchanging space with time, and creating in the blank a context of guerrilla and ambush. In the exhibition, it refers to the two giant towers of the square standing for the farewell of shadow. Along with the ghostly shadow, they call for the power of fiction together. The tower is about space and the table is about time, while the wall and the shadow make up a piece of tabula rasa to be repeatedly written and erased.
III. Play within a Play: The Peach Blossom Land and the Dead Letter
7 years ago, The Amoy Meat Factory was temporarily constructed in the form of plastic traffic barriers on the non-existent 4th floor of PSA through a fictional "Peach Blossom Garden/Ship of Fools". But now, these building materials are widely used in reality. Though the temporary nature makes the function of their material/body fresh and the obstruction disappear, the process of temporary construction keeps the crack of the spirit/soul alive. It is like the navel of human body, which is not distinguished between inside and outside, and is most easily ignored - is it a wound? Is it a connection? Is it a rupture? Is it a supply? This crucial bond becomes a kind of obscure installation between spirit and flesh, fiction and realpolitik(IV).
The butcher- a fictional character from the remnants of reality, in the novel The Amoy Meat Factory, has no navel but wanders in an extravagant orgy. His character genealogy represents the failure of the unity that once existed between each disparate individual and the whole world. There are more of them, for instance, the fisherman of Peach Blossom Spring, the redundant man of Lermontov's A Hero of Our Time, the passer-by of Lu Xun's Wild Grass, K of Kafka's The Castle, the outsider of Camus's The Stranger, Ursuline of Josef Heller's Catch-22, Kelvin of Solaris, the scrivener of Melville's Barltleby... All of them have sent out their worlds from the stories, but the real recipients are lost. Their letters can only be shelved in Dead Letter or somewhere 404 for a long, just like the unsolved cases. Reminiscing and forgetting happen at the same time here: an anatomical table about another world consisting of logistics, archives, novels, monsters, legends, landscapes, operas, radio stations, games, picture books, rumors, and gossip.
Let the fiction keep rehearsing and shrinking moreover until it becomes an impromptu state. Meanwhile, the people in darkness will again face the dilemma of making a choice when the letters cry out every possible ending including burned, shredded, sealed, unwrapped, read, decrypted, illegible, unattended... Eventually, these letters will speed up his demise as time passes.
1.This original manuscript text has no name, except that in conversation Kafka often refers to it as The Castle.
2. "The Birth of Lu Xun's Literature - Reading the Preface of Call to Arms" (WANG Hui)
3.The huge projection of the walking crowd on site will cut and obscure each other with the two giants.
4.IV Quote from On the Relationship between Novels and the Control od The Masses by Liang Qichao