The Floating Shop


The Amoy Meat Factory,Shanghai


404 City Not Found,Xiamen
404城 Not Found,厦门

Fun Shop, Xiamen

The Amoy Meat Factory

地点:上海当代艺术博物馆 5B展厅

Date: 2016.10.21 - 2017.2.14
Venue: Power Station of Art, Shanghai
Artist: Dao, DABEIYUZHOU-Lin Kunhao, Happybird, Jiang Sheng, Li Weiyi, Liu Shuwei, Qin Jian, Shen Piji, Wu Wei, Yang Jian, Yang Wenbin, Zhang Ligeng


他们在某些文本中找到了一类“进去—出来”或“进来—出去”的结构原型,并试图依照这一结构,进行新的书写:由一个具体和似乎熟知的地理空间展开,营造一种欺骗性的、明确的浸入感。在这里,宏大叙事将转为地方性小叙事,任何骗人者也将被欺骗和蒙蔽,而真实的书写者可以是作者,是主角,是隐含的读者,不论是谁,他们都将独身闯入这个世界,并在真实假象的犹豫中体验一种间离效果。 当每个观众进入这个由文本和艺术家共同“伪造”的现场后,文本随时准备退场,艺术作品则重新回归符号,并在观众新的编排中实现推翻原文本的可能。


The Amoy Meat Factory is a specific place with a seemingly definite location, but it is intercepted from the virtual game "Street Fighter", beyond which its real origin is unknown and its future is also unnamed. The Axis Art Project team transformed their role in this project to that of a novelist who can write "history". They know no more about The Amoy Meat Factory  than anyone else, but that does not prevent them from trying to make up and "invent" such a hypothetical place.

The exhibition starts with the writing of a novel, a text in which there is no clear and summarizable theme. This also presupposes that no single result can be obtained from reading this text itself; the only way to read it is to deconstruct all the words and phrases one by one, whose derived contents and meanings are gathered together and together constitute the reader's understanding of the text.  Here, the textual story serves only as a hidden thread, a conspiracy between the artist and the curator. It will be accepted with a certain legitimacy in the overall feeling of immersion of the viewer, who, at the end of the immersion, realizes that the exhibition or the text itself is a presumption, a trick, a gimmick and a deception.